Groups and Clubs
Looking for a group or club to join in the St. Clair County area? Check out this resource page featuring groups and clubs in the area. These groups and clubs are not affiliated with the Port Huron Parks and Recreation Department.

The Yak Abouts
St. Clair County Trailblazers
active group participating in Kayaking, bicycling, hiking, walking and snowshoeing.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4829178857103523

Port Huron Musicale
Women's chorus and Supporter of MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE BLUE WATER AREA. Port Huron Musicale is a member of the National and Michigan Federation of Music Clubs.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theporthuronmusicale/
Website: https://theporthuronmusicale.com/
Schubert Male Chorus of Port Huron

Friends of the St. Clair River
Michigan's Thumb Coast watershed organization showing 40 miles of love to the St. Clair River and its watersheds.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stclairriver
Website: https://www.scriver.org/
Bluewater sportsman's association
Shooting club located in Kimball Twp. The BWSA is NRA, CMP, NMLRA, and ATA affiliated.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bwsa.club
Website: https://bwsa.club/site_home.cfm

Blue Water Young Professionals
nonprofit community group for younger adults working to enhance the Blue Water Area, specifically focusing on Port Huron's downtown, nightlife enhancement and arts appreciation and growth.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bwyps
Website: https://www.bwyp.org/

Bluewater Trail Advocates Group
Biking, hiking and running group in the Bluewater Area. volunteers help maintain existing trails and build new ones.​
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/770779706816499
Port Huron Civic theatre
non-profit performing arts organization performing at McMorran Place Theatre. PHCT has opportunities for those interested in all aspects of the performing arts.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PortHuronCivicTheatre/
Website: https://phct.com/

Blue Water Art Association
creative expression and exploration group for artists. opportunities for sharing, learning and advancing artistic skills.
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bluewaterartassociation/
Website: https://newcenturyartgallery.com/blue-water-art-assoc-1
St. Clair County Genealogy and History Society
of Michigan
nonprofit organization sharing genealogical and historical importance of St. Clair county through meetings, workshops, field trips, seminars and more.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SCCGHS/
Website: https://sccghs.org/

Great Lakes Gaming
Location in Birchwood Mall where gamers can meet to play games such as
D&D, Pokemon, Magic and more.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/PHGreatLakesGaming/

Port Huron Chess Club
Weekly Chess club that meets in Port Huron. ​
Website: https://porthuronchessclub.yolasite.com/

Port Huron American sewing guild
Monthly sewing club that meets in port Huron.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/308229618034699
Phone: 810.388.9252, Diane r.

Michigan Society Sons of the American revolution
History group for men in the Blue Water Area. The SAR keep the patriotic spirit alive of men who helped to achieved American independence.
Website: http://www.missar.org/bluewater.html